tasty orange juice


1 muskmelon or kharbuja or melon, any size

unadulterated sweetener or brilliant sugar or jaggery as required - discretionary

The most effective method to make formula

wash the musk melon in water. cut into half.

at that point cut them into long pieces.

expel the peel and separate it from the substance. evacuate the seeds.

cleave and include a blender. include the sugar or jaggery.

no compelling reason to include water. mix till smooth.

pour the muskmelon squeeze in glasses and serve muskmelon squeeze promptly.

you can include ice blocks if fancied.

Formula Notes 

tips for musk melon juice formula:

1. rather than pure sweetener some other sweetener can likewise be included like nectar or maple syrup.

2. on the off chance that the muskmelon juice is thick, include some water of drain. veggie lovers can include water or cashew or almond drain.

3. serve the muskmelon squeeze promptly. try not to chill or keep in the cooler as the taste changes a considerable measure and the juice looses it freshness.

4. the seeds of the musk melon can be dried in the event that you have great daylight and after that simmered and added to plates of mixed greens or soups. in india we add them to our desserts and halwas.
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