How to make bhindi ghosht


Sheep or Beef: 1/2 kg

Onions: 2 medium

Salt: according to taste

Red Pepper: 1 teaspoon (according to taste)

Turmeric Powder: 1/2 teaspoon

Coriander Powder: 2 teaspoons

Ginger Garlic Paste: 1 tablespoon

Oil: 1/2 glass

Okra: 1/2 kg

Green Chilies: 8 to 10 (according to taste)

Water: 4 mugs (as required)


Wash okra and place in a strainer with a specific end goal to deplete the water out.

Cut okra into little pieces and spread in a pot or plate.

Warmth 2 tablespoons oil in a skillet.

Saute okra in container to decrease its ropiness.

Include meat, onions, tomatoes, salt, red chilies, turmeric and coriander powder, ginger garlic and oil and blend well. Likewise pour 2 glass water and let it cook.

On the off chance that meat water is dried and meat is delicate, broil meat well. On the off chance that oil is unmistakable, include sauted woman finger and blend well. Include 2 glass water.

At the point when water gets a stew, include green chilies and cook at low warmth for 5 to 10 minutes.

Check whether oil comes up and okra is delicate, close the stove.

Heavenly okra meat is prepared to
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